Friday, September 4, 2009

hey buddy you want my money? So do I!

Hello hello hello. I have a jackhammer going off in my head right now and I feel like there is an earthquake rumbling away in my stomach. Not good... Anyway, I start my blog today talking about the homeless epidemic that is going on. I walk out of my apartment in Richmond Virginia and there is a homeless ass clown begging me for money. I always say no because unlike other people I have common sense. Just yesterday I saw some bum, riding a bike which amazed me, stop and ask two girls for money. The one girl immediately went into her purse and I was quite pissed. Pissed at her for being soo impressionable and pissed at the grimy, shit covered, alcoholic rat that was peddling her. I made sure to make eye contact with that asshole and very slowly when we both were locked in I shook my head. A seemingly harmless gesture, but I wanted to nonverbally communicate to him, "Don't ever ask me for money!". It's that kind of shit that I cannot stand. I would rather defecate, vomit, and urinate all over my change and 1$ bills than give it to those guys. Ok, let's just put it into persepective. Everytime you walk out of that 711 and there is that one toothless slime fuck eyeing you for money and you, of course, dig deep into your pocket and pull out some measly incriment of money, do you honestly think he is putting that away somewhere? Some place that is collecting intrest on his change and $1 bill collections? FUCK NO! He is gonna save up that money until he get's umm... let's see.. a 40 oz. of steel reserve is about $2 and some change? So, whenever he get's that amount of money his bum ass will stumble into the 711 so he can get is drink on. He's not going to the local thrift store to buy new clothes nor is he going to a shelter, which they have let it be known, to get cleaned up. Instead his stanky rotting corpse of a body would much rather get fucked up and stumble to his local bus stop and go to sleep on a filthy bench and do the same thing the following day. What a life huh? So anyway, I am going to hare some words of wisdon for all you idiots out there who actually give money to these people. Take that 2 or 3 bucks, grab a lighter or a match whatever you prefer and burn that money. Or better yet, eat that money. Or even use it as toilet paper. I could go on, but these are just as pointless as handing your money over to some bum who has a sign that says "economy suks. Tough times. Anything helps".


  1. You are simply flat out wrong. You don't know where these people are coming from or what they went through. Not only is the majority of the homeless population mentally disabled to some degree, not everyone is lucky enough to have been raised in the privileged segment of society, nor are they as fortunate as we are to have the ability to make reasonable decisions. I don't give a fuck what they do with the insignificant amount of money I give them; their life sucks and they're pushing through anyhow, doing whatever they can to hold on to a sense of normalcy. We are lucky motherfuckers to be in the positions that we are, and if some eccentric or lunatic wants to get drunk off my dollar, that is more than fine with me. Not to mention, these people are far more interesting than most of the assholes who live in suburban America, and they have the right, just as we do, to not be judged by some egotistical prick who has no sense of empathy or compassion. Also, fuck money and anyone who cherishes money more than any other living being. Check yo' self Rush Limbaugh Jr.

    P.S. Shelters are only open when it's cold and can only accommodate a limited amount of people.

    P.P.S. Burning money is retarded.

    P.P.P.S. I am fiercely loyal to my opinions and principles and am easily pushed to passion when debating them, so don't be a bitch and take offense to any of this.

  2. hahaha, i love you mike! I totally agree with you. I didn't fully think it out, I just simply let it spew. BUT, please don't call me rush limbaugh Jr. You know I'm not like that.

  3. Hmmm, interesting. I normally don't mind giving them a few cents if I have it but I do get irritated at certain ones. Let me give an example...
    I was in Baltimore with a friend for the American Craft Council Show and we were walking through the little Italy part of the inner harbor to find a place to eat. As we are walking past one restaurant in particular, a very tall, older black man stops us. He proceeds to give us a very long speech that, I shit you not, took at the very least 7 minutes. At the end of said speech about his rough times, he asks us if we had any money to spare.
    Normally I would have given him some money, not necessarily because I believed him but probably to shut him up. However, on this particular occasion I only had my card on me. After explaining to the man about how I had no cash he proceeded to call me a stupid bitch and then walk into the restaurant cursing.

    It is this kind of person that really makes me wish the apocalypse was approaching.

    Personally I don't give a damn about why or how they are the way they are. If I have some change, I'll give it, if not fuck it. Survival of the fittest and in most cases, the least lazy.

  4. Haha, you got what you asked for buddy.
